SERPWatcher / Features / Daily keyword positions updates

Daily keyword positions updates

See current positions, changes, and historical data.

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1. SERP rank checker packed with useful data

SERPWatcher's left column is packed with keyword positions data and some other handy features so you get the latest updates at first sight.

Keyword positions aren't the buzzword of rank checking anymore but they were the reason why it came into existence.

2. Time frames vs. Overview

Keyword position changes, search volumes, and comparisons stuffed in one chart would be a mess. Switching between two easily readable charts makes more sense.

Time frames are for time comparison and Overview informs you about changes, the average, and the best positions.

Start tracking your SERP positions now

Set up your first rank tracking in less than 30 seconds.

3. SERP tracker with detailed keyword analysis

Deep keyword analysis is a must-have feature for SERP tracker. If you click on a keyword, its position history, tags, indexed URL, and other useful stats appear.

You can check the SERP snapshot or open the keyword in KWFinder or SERPChecker.

4. Other handy features

The left column has a lot more to offer as a SERP rank checker. It starts with a filter to match your current needs, an option to add or create tags, or to delete keywords.

In case you need to export the keywords you can export a CSV file or copy them to clipboard.

Start tracking your SERP positions now

Set up your first rank tracking in less than 30 seconds.